Crystal Therapy Services

Sessions $75/hour   -    Add on Essential Oils $5/session

Lana has set up for a Chakra Balancing session.  Laid out are crystals, chakra bags, pendulum, and tingsha bells.

Crystal Chakra Balancing

This is a great way to begin work on the chakras with crystals. Each of the 7 major chakras are checked for imbalances and gently guided towards their optimum condition. This is a beautifully relaxing spa like experience, which can be used for maintenance of energetic hygiene.

Lana has set up a grid for a crystal chakra emersion session.

Crystal Chakra Emersion

This treatment is perfect to dive deeper into a stubborn chakra. Focus is on one particular chakra and may involve various elements in combination to help the energy here come into alignment. This experience may induce a release of stale energy and emotion but is still done gently, and is deeply relaxing.

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Lana is ready to welcome you to a full chakra recalibration session

Full Chakra Recalibration

This treatment is designed for periodic deeper sessions. Each of the 7 major chakras plus 3 additional chakras are guided towards their optimum condition. This is a typically beautifully charged experience, which can induce a release of stuck energy and emotion anywhere in the light column.

A single white candle glows in a darkened room, hiding the crystal grid behind it.

Crystal Layout/Grid single session

In this treatment, the focus is specifically aimed at a particular desire. For example, self-reliance, relaxation, love, work, success, health, etc. Here the crystals are used for a grid and to surround the client. This experience can feel exhilarating or calming depending on the specific goal.

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Lana stands in front of a Chakra Flag and smiles with welcome. You are invited to save with a 8 session package.
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